Tuesday, January 31, 2006

my new materials

A girl at work wanted me to make her a bag, so she bought me the brown and blue quilted material as "payment." I thought it was really sweet of her, since I didn't ask her to pay for it besides the materials she wanted (she doesn't have the same taste as me, so I couldn't use any in my stash. The other material is the one I mentioned before. The photo doesn't do it justice.

I learned how to do a rolled hem and a french seam from the girls at work today. Both will come in handy for the bags I need to make.

The dick manager left me alone again today, I wonder what's up? I am greatful for the reprieve but it's got me on my toes.

James had to work a split shift today, which are awful. It means he opens and works until 5pm, but has to be back at 9pm. It sucks. He thinks it's silly to come home, get comfy and then turn around and come back. He said he was gonna stay all day. We have Karate at 5:30 so I told him to at least take a break, eat some dinner, and then go back. (and this way he can have the car and I won't have to go out at midnight to pick him up) So that's the plan.

Now I'm going to eat some cereal :)


Anonymous said...

The top fabric is beautiful.

GypseeMommy said...

I love the top one too!

Anonymous said...

girl, what is with you and the cereal lately?!

i love the fabric. :)

Anonymous said...

btw, 'grandiose notions' would be something like...if i suddenly insist that i can graduate college in two months by taking 30 credits a semester. or i believe myself to be far superior to others around me. or i suddenly think it's a really good idea to quit my job and become a lipgloss taste tester and insist that it'll make me an instant millionaire. everything is "grand".

Anonymous said...

I love those fabrics. I agree with Darlene, the bottom one would make an adorable tote bag!