Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Whatta day

Today I come home to find they haven't been over to fix the water heater, but they did give me my renewal info, which I asked for two weeks ago. They require a 60 day notice if you are going to move out. (the other complex was 30 days, both are owned by the same company) That means we have to decide by the 31. Um hello that's like 8 fucking days. Assholes.

I don't think we are going to be able to find a house. I called the real estate agent today and explained our problem with the houses but not being able to afford more. So we decided to look at some condo's also. The condo's we like (cuz they're in our price range) require 5% to be put into escrow, that's $7500. We don't have that money, we barely have the $1000 the real estate company puts into escrow. And then we have to have $2200 in the bank if we want an FHA loan, which is one of two loans we can get. And $350 for the appraisal. HOLY CRAP we can't afford this, and it makes me want to cry.

Besides that I was having a good day. I can't wait till James gets home so we can talk about it in depth. God I wish we had won that 50 million lottery jackpot on Saturday. Someone did, lucky bastard.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am forever dreaming of the lotto , saddly I honestly think deep down that I will some day win it because life can NOT stay this way for ever .