Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Great so far

I started off my day with a LONG HOT shower. It was fabulous. I was so glad to find they came to fix the water heater last night.

We had enough time on our way to school to get gas (we were on E) and to stop at Dunkin Donuts. We didn't have them in MS so I was in donut hell, as I don't really like Krispy Kremes. They were delicious!

Work was NOT awful. I volunteered to stock the jewelry section (it's only seasonal and floral I hate) and that took up most of my day. My shift flew by!

James and I went to Tar*get and they had laundry soap on clearance for $3.38 ( I pay $5.38 @ W*mart) Talk about excited! Then I found really cute stuff in the $1 aisle. I got a Fridge magnet note pad with Calla lilies and a 4 pack of pens to match. They had really cute fish (totally Finding Nemo) bathroom stuff, so I may go back on payday. I am going to re-do James bathroom, I think he has outgrown Winnie The Pooh! I was going to buy this really cool world map shower curtain (from Target) and then use solid accessories, but if they still have the fish I'm gonna get that instead.

We have Karate at 4pm and then we pick up J. Not sure what we'll have for dinner.

Ooooh. This I called the office this morning about the dog hair and bad parking. But before I started complaining I thanked her for fixing the water heater (kill em w/ kindness, my mom says) She was totally sympathetic to both problems (let's hope it was sincere) so we'll see if it changes. Let's hope it does cuz if we don't find a house in 8 days we will be renewing our lease, but only for 6 months this time.

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