Friday, January 20, 2006


We went and looked at 4 houses last night and none of them worked. The first house was in the WORST neighborhood. The second house was in a not so nice neighborhood but it was cute, until we hit the bathrooms that is. Why did people think mint green and pink tiling is fabulous? This is the second home that has used these colors in the bathrooms. The 3rd house had exposed brick under the windows, two walls covered in crackled mirrors, hot pink carpeting and paneled walls. YUCK. I know you are not supposed to not look at the cosmetics but we wouldn't have the money to change all that crap for awhile. The 4th house wasn't in bad neighborhood, but had moldy ceilings and roaches. So the search is still on, but the available houses in our price range is pretty slim.

Besides that we got into a fight over the loan stuff, and we have been ignoring each other since Wednesday. (except for while we were with the realtor) My problem is James never wants to talk. As soon as you say something he doesn't like he won't talk anymore. My problem is I want him to freakin talk. So I get mad at him for shutting up, he gets mad at me for not shutting up, and then we ignore each other for days. This time he said I was yelling, I wasn't but I shouted "this is me yelling" and he left the house. Sometimes I just wanna smack him, and yeah he feels the same way.

I think things are smoothing over, but I am not the type that really cares. At one point I would have but some of you know why I have desensitized and I like not caring a whole lot better. I am sure Dr Phil would disagree!

Oh by the way I am off today, and should be doing laundry. Our hot water tank wasn't heating, well I am not sure what the problem was. We'd only have hot water for 10 minutes and we had to turn the knob all the way over. Normally if you do that the water is literally scalding. So I let it go the 1st day it happened and called yesterday. They came to check it while we weren't here, so I assumed they fixed it. What was I thinking? This is the same company that couldn't fix a water leak. Last night when I filled J's bath the water was still luke warm, but James said it was fine this morning, so we'll see. I had my dad email a list of things that they should check on it. But since it's Friday I think I should check it now, because they won't come out over the weekend.

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