Monday, January 02, 2006

I had a few moments to myself to think about things. Nothing life changing, just what was going on within myself. I don't feel better but when you want something and don't get it there is always that lingering sadness.

I don't want trying to have a baby to consume my life. I don't want to have to chart and take my temps, while timing sex and taking drugs and all that. I want it to happen because it's God's will and I have to accept that if it's going to happen it's because we are truly deserving of a second child. Some people aren't even blessed with one child, so I shouldn't let it hurt so bad that I can't have a second.

I know I don't come across as the most religious person in the world but I don't believe I need to speak of my faith or preach to people, just to be a "good" Christian woman. I am often a sinner(aren't we all at some point) but at the end of the day I know the reason I am here, and that I am subject to a higher power.

I am going to make a doctor's appointment and see what she says, and if she doesn't give me enough info or do what I feel is a thorough exam I will find a new GYN, and go from there.

Thank you for your support. It makes me smile just to know you take time to show sympathy.

1 comment:

GypseeMommy said...

Sometimes I read your blog and its scary how much we think alike. I feel the exact same way about having faith in a higher power. God has a reason that you haven't gotten pregnant yet and its so good that you have faith in that. He will steer you in the right direction when the time is right. It sounds like you have an excellant outlook on the situation though, even though I know it hurts. If you want to get some information about the tests, meds, and stuff that the doctors might suggest then there is some excellant info on the PCOS board that I joined. Its at