Monday, January 02, 2006

I wanted a salad really bad, but I have no veggies. How sad for me. I only have food that are high in carbs. I ate some pasta and now I want to throw up. It was too heavy and I'm gaining 5 pounds as we speak. If I was at all the healthy type I would do some sit ups or something.

In real world news. I have until Feb 26 to send in the application for a magnet school (James, kindergarten)

Most of the schools are in bad neighborhoods. I understand the reasoning behind it. I understand by making these schools "magnet" schools they get more money and nicer facilities, which benefits everyone that goes to that school. But James doesn't want the kid going to school in the ghetto.

So there are two schools (in the magnet program) by us that I like. Even if he doesn't get into their magnet programs I'd still be able to enroll him as a regular student if we move into the Townhouse I have been talking about.

To make a long story short as part of the application process I have to tour the school. James is off wednesday and thursday, so we'll go then. It still surprises me how he wants to take part in stuff like this. I don't remember my dad at my kindergarten screening, but then again he didn't have the luxury of time off to do so.

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