Saturday, January 14, 2006

I forgot to mention

That last night, for no reason at all, I THREW UP. I don't throw up. Especially for no reason. We were laying in bed watching a movie and all of a sudden I felt sick. I thought if I took a couple of deep breaths it would pass (since this feeling happened last week or so while we were driving)But the next thing I knew I was running to the bathroom. GROSS. I was fine immediately after.

Walmart gave me no trouble at all, they usually don't. The walmart I go to may be trashy but the CS women couldn't care less. They aren't the bitchy type looking for a fight by telling you "no!"

I am exhausted for no reason, but naps (already took one) never help. I opened the blinds to let some sun in and hopefully the lethargy will lift.

J is working a mid shift and the house is a mess. I did some laundry and put in a load of dishes but I still have more to do. blahhhh


GypseeMommy said...

Girl, I don't mean to worry you, but when you get in to see the doctor, you may want to ask them about PCOS. That's what I was just diagnosed with and you have been having alot of the same symptoms that I was. It's nothing major or life threatening, if that's what's wrong though. Just an aggrivation more than anything really. Email me if you want to talk more about it though. It'd just be something worth mentioning to the doctor.

Anonymous said...

Bonnie you are getting spam commnets now also !!! sems like someone we mutualy know has submited our site , people suck !

And yes go to the Dr. when that happened to me , vomiting out of the blue I had my gallblatter taken out shortly after , it could be a million things but just have it looked at !!