Monday, January 02, 2006

I don't want to appear that I am stirring the pot, and I have left too many comments for MS. MOODY. So I thought I would just mention the rest of what I wanted to say.

1. I eat bologna and mustard, I have never tried it with mayo or miricle whip (ew)

2. I so wanted to leave her (not MM) a comment saying "bless your heart" which is a southerners way of nicing someone to death. Although it is said in a sympathetic tone, it really means "go to hell" (97.5% of the time)

3. I thought it was funny that in her blog (not MM) she went on to say how mean you were. Like your obligated to be nice to a complete stranger that is saying she doesn't like you.

Ok so that's it. Now let the sensitive one crawl back under her rock and we can get back to our regular scheduled program.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL (((((((((((((Bon)))))))))))))