Sunday, March 05, 2006


Sometimes you say something in haste. You spit out a single phrase that will make you feel guilty the rest of your life. Sometimes you say "I WISH......" before you even have time to think about what you're REALLY saying.

My best friend who wished she would miscarry is now 22 weeks pregnant and VERY high risk. Her last pregnancy really should have been her last according to her dr. At 22 weeks her cervix is already thinning and she is supposed to be on bed rest. But she has 5 kids (only one biological) to take care of and no one to help her during the day. The baby has moved and kicked and now BF is sad at the thought of losing her. That's right. She was given the american dream. A boy and now a girl. One she previously wished away.

It's sad.


Anonymous said...

That's so sad. I hope she can go full term and have a healthy baby.

GypseeMommy said...

I agree with you. Sometimes you say "I wish.." and then end up getting your wish and not wanting it after all. I hope that things work out for her and that the baby can be born healthy.

Anonymous said...

i hope everything turn outs okay for her baby.