Monday, March 06, 2006

Damn car

My car cut off SIX times this morning. During a 10 minute drive!

A couple of months ago it did the same thing and they had to adjust it's idle. (proper use of the word?) So last week it cut off a few times too. I told them about it when they checked my fuel gage, but found nothing wrong. (all he did was test drive it) It doesn't cut off all the time and it's just my luck that it didn't happen while they had it. But I am taking it back in. I am tired of them fixing the same problem two and three times. It should be fixed properly the first damn time.

So in other news, Karate went OK. James did have an episode but recovered. He ran into one of the other boys and refused to say excuse me or sorry. So I told him he couldn't wear his belt until he at least acknowledged that he did something wrong. I don't care if he isn't sorry but I will not allow him to be rude and say nothing. Eventually he said it and he got to wear his belt. We had NO girls in class today and ALL the boys were a bit silly.

I am waiting for Seventh Heaven and Related to come on. I am so mad that the Oscar's were on last night. It's totally not my cup of tea. I didn't watch and I don't care who won or who wore an ugly dress. All I wanted was to curl up next to James and watch Grey's Anatomy. :(

Guess I better go get comfy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG, FINALLY! Someone else who watches Related. I seriously thought I was the only person. Everyone I ever ask, hasn't even heard of the show, let alone watched it. Did you sob uncontrolably at last weeks episode? I couldn't get myself together after. I don't know why they went that direction with the show. It's kinda sad. Haven't watched this weeks episode yet.
7th Heaven is starting to piss me off with the constant re-runs..It's a re-run tonight, yet it was new last Monday. I know the remaining shows are limited, and they must be trying to spread them out. But its getting old. The Oscar's pissed me off to. I missed DH & Extreme Makeover. I regret not getting into Greys when it first came on. Everyone I know who watches it, just loves it.