Thursday, March 30, 2006

Just when I am at the end of my rope

Two people from work are leaving for better jobs. Although I like both of them they were slacking off immensely the last couple of days and I got the short end of the stick each time. As I was stocking (which I hate) I could hear them yapping away and I really felt I couldn't take one more day in that hellhole. Screw the 15% off!

James decided to grill out (so he went and bought a grill) He made ribs that were to die for and better then any restaurant (that I have eaten at) That cheered me up a bit. And then the bank HR woman called me back to say she has 4 FT positions opening and will call me next week with the exact locations and hours, and that I would then do the interview.

Somehow I have lost 5 pounds. Which I truly believe to be a miracle because all I did was change my diet slightly. The Dr said minimum of 10 to 20 so I am halfway/quarter there depending on how I feel, lol. What a good ending to a bad couple days!

Karate is going much better. Last Sat. James took him but said the instructor (who I complained to) didn't have Little J spar the big kids, as long as that lasts I'll keep taking him on Saturdays. The other two days a week he is in class with kids his own size and ability.

We did not meet up with Darlene today but I did get to talk to her for 5 minutes! I decided that I need a land line phone now that I have a friend (well one I actually care to talk to on the phone) Service should be hooked up tomorrow, so I'll actually be able to talk on phone without fear of using all my cell minutes.

Now I think I am gonna go to HobLob and AC Moore. I want to look at a few things they have on sale.....

1 comment:

GypseeMommy said...

Yay! Congrats on the weight loss! That's just great. See, you'll be at your goal in no time :-)