Saturday, March 25, 2006

It's been a long day

The NACA home seminar was very informative. I am not sure James and I will particpate, but not because we found fault with the program. I don't want to rush into things.....

I just got back from Build A Bear. We had fun but it was crazy busy and I was experiencing sensory overload. We met up with Darlene and AJ, and her husband came along. After BAB We hung out in the foodcourt while the kids ate. I had a good time and Darlene's husband couldn't be nicer. Very laid back, which is awesome. They were having a family day so I tried to get going without James throwing too big of a fit. He cried but got over it by the time we got on the road. I had some minor shopping to do but chose to come home instead. I drove James to work so we'll be getting up to get him later this evening. I thought he was going to drive himself but he thought I had things to do (isn't that nice)

I have a few loads of laundry that didn't get folded. (it takes our dryer longer then normal per load) and then I need to clean the kitchen. Not bad considering how messy it normally is.

Hey James bear sounds funny. God please don't let me have a defective music box in him.....

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