Wednesday, February 22, 2006

I found a position


I found a bank branch over towards James school that is hiring. I take the tests on Thursday!

I just called Joann to see if my manager had put up the schedule. He already had but he gave me Thursday off, no questions asked. I really like this manager, and I think it's because he reminds me of my dad. Not so much in looks but the way he acts and talks. Weird. I'm glad he likes me enough to change my schedule and not be a butt about it.

Now let's just keep our fingers crossed that I pass their test and get the job. The test won't be so bad. I have passed them twice before (for different banks) I just hope someone else applying isn't more qualified!


Anonymous said...

Best of luck on your interview! I'm positive you will bag that job easy!

GypseeMommy said...

Good luck!! I'll be thinking about you :-)