Monday, February 13, 2006

How Funny

Last night James walked into the kitchen and forbade me from ever buying cheap dryer sheets again. (He actually said forbid) It was really funny. I don't notice a difference in the smell of our clothes but obviously he does. He is just on cloud nine over the damn bounce.

As we settled in to watch Grey's Anatomy he lit the candles and they smelled so good. The scent is Harbor Mist and it's awesome. I couldn't believe how much light they created. I think I may buy more candles, it has to be cheaper then electricity! ;)

I am thinking of going full time at work, but only if they give me a pay raise. I am still looking into the banking world, but as usual there are no openings in our area. Hobby Lobby is opening this month, so if I can't get a raise I am going to apply there. (there is no store I love more then Hobby Lobby!)

The education director asked me to help with a kids class this weekend and since I can bring James I agreed. I didn't realize until I talked to James that little J has karate at that time, so they're gonna drop me off on their way. Too bad, little J would have had fun.

We ate all the potato soup so now I have to scrounge up some dinner for myself. That soup was so good. Next time he has to make a bigger pot! (even though there was enough for 3 days of lunch and 2 dinners each)

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