Friday, April 28, 2006

Friday Five

Can’t Get Enough of Your Love Baby

1. Who was your first kiss (your mom does not count)?Well it's not like you'd know him. It was my 13th birthday and we snuck some boys over, but not inside the house or anything.
2. What is your idea of the perfect date? not being "somewhere" I don't really want to go out to eat or to the movies. I'd rather be somewhere quiet. The beach, the park, the corner coffee shop....
3. What music needs to be on when you are “getting your thang on”? We don't have music on
4. What is the most amazing experience you’ve ever shared with a partner? Corny as it sounds, I knew when I got pregnant. The exact moment.... Now was that amazing to him, probably not.
5. Sex is best saved for: love, marriage, alcohol, days that end in “y”? all of the above but not for me..... I'd say Sex is best saved for the unmarried, childless (and using birth control, lol)couple.

The Friday Five

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