Friday, May 16, 2008

Who forgot to tell me

That today is Christopher's four month birthday! FOUR MONTHS! I didn't realize it was the 16th and just where has the month of May gone?

Here's a kidd-o update.

James: He will be seven 3 months from yesterday. It's killing me. He has 15 days left of 1st grade. I'm dying! He goes to the bus stop by himself. He has his own house key (that he has trouble using). He is still doing fantastic academically. He may be one of the youngest but he's also one of the brightest in the class. He is doing better in Karate. He memorized part of his form fairly quick now we just have to work on the rest, and doing it without following the instructor.

Christopher: He is sitting with support and enjoys the Bumbo chair we got him. (from craigslist, NO WAY was I paying $40 for that chair) He has a doorway jumpy thing that he loves. We attempted to start feeding him cereal but I think that's what gave him the chuckles so I put it away for now. He still rolls stomach to back and is almost able to get from his back to his stomach. He still hates tummy time but not so much if it's about 8am. He still won't soothe himself to sleep but he's getting there. He still wakes up once for a bottle and then for good at 4am. Unless I put him in our bed there is no going back to sleep for him. So we snuggle for a few hours before we get up and get James out the door. And right now he is fighting his nap even though he takes a nap everyday at this time.

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