Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Paula Deen

We waited 2 hours to get our book signed. We got there an hour before it started and we didn't make it to the table until there were only 5 minutes left. The Publix employees were literally pulling my stroller to get me out of line. Little James was behind me trying to get our stuff, which they didn't realize, and I was waiting for him. He easily would have gotten lost in the crowd. Because it was so rushed I didn't have time to check my camera and it was on the wrong setting so all my pictures look like shit. I hate that fucking camera. The setting thing is on top and spins off way too easy. At least I made it this time. The last time she was here Williams Sonoma sold out of her book and that's the only thing she would sign, so the W.S. employees said. I boycotted W.S. and Paula for awhile after that. Paula is back in my good graces now since I was doing this for James' father's day present.

Waiting in line, in the blazing sun!

Almost there!

Paula telling James he was beautiful. At least there was some interaction!

Christopher's wipe case. She also signed our book.

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