Saturday, May 10, 2008

I am in for it.

The headache from hell is gone. An order of fries and a diet lemonade mixed with ibuprofen did the trick.

So! You should see the piles of laundry sitting around me. You would think we, I mean I, haven't done laundry in years. Really it's only been a week. NO one has clean undies. Even me the undie queen. Chris is almost out of washcloths. We all know that you somehow end up with a thousand little baby rags so to be almost out is quite the feat. Little James had to wear shorts while his undies dried and he was none too happy. There are no more clean bath towels or bedsheets. What the hell have I been doing?? Oh and we only have one bed sheet each. I refuse to buy more when we wash them once a week anyway. I wash and put it right back on. I have a load of darks and undies (we REALLY needed them) in the dryer and a load of Chris's stuff in the wash. It looks like I will be doing the rest well into the night. I don't know how it happened. It's not like I am that busy. What's worse then a million piles of dirty clothes? Folding them when they are clean? I HATE IT!

We went to the pool today and luckily for me there were no kids. I always cringe when I see other kids. I don't do well with other people's. I always assume the worst. I wonder if people do that to me too.... But there were a nice pair of couples and a little girl sitting next to us. AND yeah I cringed at them too, but that was because the woman shouted, OH LOOK AT THE BABY!!!!!! I don't enjoy when people do this. Leave my baby alone. They ended up being pleasant and let James play their beanbag toss game with them. The only negative was all four were smokers and didn't feel bad at all puffing around Chris. I had to move but I did so inconspicuously. They didn't even notice. Lucky for me they had their radio so loud that I could still hear it ;)

We will probably end up at the pool tomorrow too. James works all day. Last year everyone decided to go up there for mother's day (I am sure it was for the free food more than anything) If his sister calls me tomorrow I am not going ANYWHERE. I am not wasting my gas driving all the way out there just to see them. They can come visit whenever they want but choose not to.

Ahhh I guess that's it. I am starving.

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