Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Another ouch!

To start. I ALWAYS giggle uncontrollably when someone gets hurts, even myself. I feel bad for doing so but as I said it's out of my control. That being said if you giggle it's OK.

Last night (B) James went downstairs to get a glass of water. I heard a thud but no cursing so figured he was all right. He came into the room with a paper towel wrapped around his foot and there was blood ALL over it. And that's when the giggling started.

Our steps are killer. We have all fallen down a million times. There is something about the bottom that gets you. Someone had to save me from falling at our baby shower, I think it may have been Darlene. The last time I fell I came down so hard that my foot bent the wrong way.

James somehow got tripped up on the steps and hit his big toe. He said it didn't hurt and he didn't realize it was bleeding. He SPLIT the damn thing wide open. He needed stitches or a butterfly Band-aid. I was unable to provide either. He taped it up with bandages and tried to go to bed. I offered him some of my leftover pills from the c-section but he declined. All the while I was giggling.

I am sure it hurts like hell right now. I don't know how he got his shoe on this morning.

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