Sunday, December 18, 2005

It's time to start anew

I won't be using diaryland anymore. I don't like that you have to log in if you want to comment. And both of the sites I use do that. My "spaces" account will strictly be family updates and photos, and some of it will probably be repeated here. So I'll let you know when I post photo's over there.

It's been a boring day here. James Jr has been driving me crazy. He wouldn't take a nap today so he was really wound up. Besides that he wanted to eat every 30 minutes and he was being really loud. I told him time after time to quiet down, but it didn't work. I gave him dinner, a bath and put him in bed at 7pm. He fell asleep immediately.

I felt like crap this afternoon, probably the weather, and I really could have used a nap. Now that I have some quiet time I don't want to sleep, lest I miss Desperate Housewives (better not be a repeat) and Grey's Anatomy. Jamie's right I need a DVR. I looked into it and through cable it would cost about $100, since I would have to upgrade to digital, we'd be looking at a $150 and I refuse to pay that much.

I did some laundry and two loads of dishes. (what I thought I washed last night and today's load) The house is still a mess but I am making progress. I spent about an hour in James' room and you can finally see the floor. I am going to have to get better about making him pick up his toys. There is no reason he can't put something away before he gets a new toy out.

It's sooo quiet and I love it. I think I might have a cup of tea and listen to the classical station for until 9. Since no one else (James Sr) appreciates it. I may not know who's performing but at least I enjoy listening to it.

We got some "Cookies &" twix and snickers and I am addicted. I actually bought them for the karate party but only one box got opened so I took the rest home, no need to leave it for other's to take home. I sooo should have left them. It looks like I might eat the whole box of snickers. I am about to try the twix one. It says peanut butter so I don't know that I will like it as much as the other.

I'm heading over to Diaryland to put up a link.


Anonymous said...

Like the new space. :o)

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that DH was a repeat, because the president interupted the first 20 minutes of of course my DVR is set to only record the hour long show.

Anonymous said...

yay! i hate diaryland.