Friday, December 30, 2005

I Took A Little Nap

And now it's dark! I can't wait for spring to come. Today was a gorgeous day if it had stayed daylight a little longer. We've put out the Valentine's and St Patrick's Day stuff out at work, and it makes me want to decorate. I don't really have anywhere to put that sort of thing so I won't buy any. I think once I get this Christmas stuff put away I will get something bright though. Maybe a vase with some spring flowers (silk of course)

I don't have anything easy for dinner (James is at work) I don't feel like ANY of the meat in the freezer. I think little James will eat mini corndogs and I'll have ramen noodles.

I am watching Sandra Lee and I hate her. I have no idea why I dislike her so much but I do, always have. Just something about her drives me batty. I think it all started when she said "I will be the next Martha Stewart" no one will ever be martha stewart, whom I LOVE, even if you don't ;)

So I shocked the pants off Amy! Sorry about that, I just needed to vent. I can't say the f word in front of little james, so I couldn't rant with James before he left.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL well, now at least I know you aren't as sweet as you let on. ;o) I wont feel bad next time I make a F-word ridden entry.