Saturday, December 31, 2005

I am sorry about all the swearing and bitterness lately, but I am outta Premsyn PMS!

OMG I could put my fist through a wall. Besides my computer being stupid, slow and unresponsive, little James is driving me batty, and I HATE James' new job.

It all around sucks. The guy is a fucking billionare but skimps on everything. He has restaurants all over (and a casino) but the corporate office is in TX.

We just got our new insurance cards. They switched companies. The coverage is no less then what we have now, but it's more expensive. The insurance is BCBS of fucking texas. Which means when I go to locate a dr I can't, since we obviously don't live in TX (or the other 3 states that is part of that region) So I called CS and they told me where to go on line to find the info. What the website doesn't tell you is whether the DR is general ($20) or a specialist ($30) And they also don't give me any coverage info. Our current, well now old, insurance had everything I needed to know on their website. I am pretty miffed that I am going to have to call and go over my coverage. They'll be snotty and tell me I should already have it. Which is true but we all know they leave out all the important stuff. And it doesn't help that his employer didn't even send the info until a week before it was due.

James did not bring me home any of the info, even though he says he did. I am a nut about information. I must know everything about anything that deals with my home, my health or my money. I called him at work to ask him if they still had any. He had just thrown them out, but said he would dig one out of the trash, all while mumbling, "Didn't I? Yes I did bring this home." I am in no mood to argue over a damn insurance packet so I did my best to calmly ask him to bring it anyway, and then I hung up as not to start a damn war.

I'm sorry about the rant, but whenever I talk about INS James thinks I am blaming him. He takes it way to personally. I know it's not his fault, I just want someone to share my anger.


Anonymous said...

Our insurance is blue cross blue shield of ALABAMA! Umm... I live in Idaho. But so far it hasnt been too bad. Basically if they take Blue Cross they'll take your blue cross. Oh and don't apologize for cussing and frustration. Your blog is YOUR place to vent it out. You are allowed. Hope your New Year is good.

GypseeMommy said...

I HATE insurance shit! This is one of the biggies that I'm working on getting information for ahead of time before we move. We're gonna be with BCBS too, but of Florida thank goodness. I'm just wondering how expensive it'll be. We spend a freaking fortune right now on insurance but I'm not brave enough not to have it. Hope you get everything figured out. I agree with Amy, this is your blog so you go right ahead and rant!