Sunday, May 28, 2006

Summer has arrived

Holy cow, it's HOT.

Yesterday it really got to little J. An hour into being out and about he said wasn't feeling well and looked miserable. I was sweating like a man, which is disgusting. Luckily we didn't HAVE to be out so we came home. He had a nice rest in front of his fan and was his usual self again.

Like the moron I am......

Yesterday I went to Super W*l m*rt. On a Saturday. On Memorial day weekend. ALL FOR A JAR OF HAIR GREASE. Target doesn't carry the kind the boys use so I figured since I was already out I'd stop by. MAN ALIVE!! I wanted to shoot myself. Or abandon the grease and leave. But since I was already there and if I didn't get it I'd just be there today, I stood in line. Surprisingly I got out quickly.

We're up to nothing today. Just doing laundry. And eventually we'll walk down to get the paper. We should probably do that now as it'll be 200 degrees this afternoon.

1 comment:

GypseeMommy said...

Yes, its hot as h*ll, LOL. I thought it was just because I wasn't used to FL heat. This doesn't say much for how well we'll do in July and August. My girls don't want to leave the air conditioned house now!