Friday, June 27, 2008

Back to the dailies

I unpacked one of two bags last night. The last one is easy, all Christopher's clothes and such.

Christopher didn't wake up until 5am. He actually slept through the night. He also put himself to sleep at nap time yesterday and today. I think his two week vacation did him some good ;)

James is watching TV. It will be turned off starting next week. I am not crazy enough to say no TV at all! He just doesn't need to watch 12 hours of it. We have his summer "bridge" workbooks to do among other things. The pool has been quiet lately but we don't usually go on the weekends until after 5. I try to go when the sun is setting and everyone else is getting ready for dinner. The water is so warm that even I don't mind getting in.

I got my hair done in Ohio. I will try to find a before shot because the after is FANTASTIC. I went to my Mom's hairdresser and she cost a small fortune. It was well worth it because I couldn't give her an exact shade of blond and when she was done it was exactly what I wanted. I haven't been that happy about myself in a long time. Of course I will have to go to supercuts or somewhere else cheap for the upkeep.

Laundry is calling my name.

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