Saturday, February 02, 2008

I never would have imagined

that things would be going this smoothly. The whole family is doing well. Christopher is learning to sleep in his crib. We put him down at ten pm (he is asleep before this though!) somehow he knows he's in it and wakes up fussy. We feed/change him is need be and then let him hollar it out. It takes about ten minutes but then he's ok. Because of this I am able to sleep much better for the 3-4 hours between feedings.

We took Christopher to the pediatrician on Wed. and he has gained a pound. He is in the 70th percentile for weight and only the 50th for height. He does not appear to be fat and short but according to the chart he is ;) He eats A LOT. usually 4-5 ounces every 3 hours. He smiles sometimes, mostly at Daddy. He's not cooing yet and according to the Dr and books he is supposed to be. I am not concerned. Maybe he will be my quiet child, since his brother can't keep his mouth shut.

Little J is a wonderful help. There is no sibling rivalry. I really thought Little J would have a tough time since he has been the center our attention for the last six and a half years. Instead he loves helping with the baby, especially pushing the stroller.

J is fed up at work. Things are going to hell in a hand basket and there is nothing he can do. I won't go into detail but the company's future doesn't look too bright at this point. He is exploring other options. He also mentioned he would like to move again. Away from here. I am pushing to go North but I doubt it will happen. I would love to be around my family and so would Little J. We'll keep our fingers crossed.

Oh shoot Chris is crying. gotta run........

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