Thursday, November 09, 2006

What's a mom to do?

J is still having trouble with the temper tantrums and now he is "talking out" I can't get mad as I remember every elementary school report card of mine said I couldn't be quiet. But what should I do? Here's a recap of what we have done. No TV. No toys. No special treats, like happy meals or new toys. On good days he is allowed tv or toys, his choice, for 1 hour. He noticed another child in his class wore a string to remind him to be good (J said "mom, he doesn't get cards anymore just CHECKS!" So I assume he's worse of then J) J said that it was working for the other boy and that it might work for him too. I got him the string. Green to remind him to get a green card at school. Hasn't helped yet. I told him we could try writing SH! on his hand, since talking out seems to be the frequent problem.

Really!!! I don't know what to do. My mom says that although it's a pain now he'll grow out of it. But as we recall I still interrupt people and "talk out" as J calls it. Mom said I turned out all right. Mature, responsible, good work ethic. She said if this is the biggest problem we have we'll be lucky. I agree totally but something has to be done when the teacher is sending notes and calling. She expects something to be done about it. I have talked with her at length about what we're doing and so far it seems she is still in our corner. I just assume she'll be angry with us.

I started a chart at home so he could see just how often he is not following classroom rules. Maybe it'll help, we'll see.

In other news today I get to have lunch with Darlene! It's been months! It's a good week for Hobby Lobby, all xmas ornaments are half off!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can sooo sympathize with you on this! Emi is having some of the same problems at school and its killing me that I can't figure out how to get her to behave and cooperate. I like your bracelet idea though. I think I may try that one. I do agree that they will just outgrow this and we "shouldn't" be too worked up about it. But I know for me, that's impossible to do. I guess we can only hope and pray that things improve soon.