Sunday, November 26, 2006


There is VOMIT on my backporch. Those rowdy little bastards vomited all over my plants. BASTARDS. They didn't answer the door. Probably heard me using the F word pretty loosely. I was so mad I was shaking. I am sitting quietly and as soon as I hear the first footstep I am going up there. J already went to the office and complained. I swear if it's not cleaned up by tomorrow I am calling corporate and making everyone's life hell!

I had a very nice thanksgiving. We bought a fake tree thinking it would be easier, less mess. Were we ever wrong. My hands are all cut up from "shaping" it, and to think I have to do this every year!!!!! I bought new ornaments, under the condition that I get rid of some. I decided to get rid of all the plain glass ones I got from Walmart for like 50 cents a package. 6 boxes plus a paper grocery bag of ornaments, a HUGE bag of assorted garland and a bin of lights. I am freecycling it all. It feels good to get rid of it. The news ones I bought are blue, brown and gold. Fancy that! (I have been on a blue/brown trip lately)

Not much else new.

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