I'm burning out at work. BIG TIME. I feel bad saying that because I really like my job and coworkers. I really like the "clients." I really don't like the BS that is increasing every day.......
Friend at work just had a baby boy. J's cousin is due next month with a baby girl, and J is catering the shower. I really don't want to attend. I couldn't even look for gifts. Instead I squoze (yeah I say squoze) little J's hand extra tight and said a small thank you for the little hell raiser I have been blessed with.
Today I went coat shopping for the kid. He just needs something thin for in the morning. Of course I couldn't find anything (ANYWHERE) that wasn't blizzard wear. I mean snow pants and everything for crying out loud. Whose gonna use snowpants in Florida when it's 70* in the afternoons????? So we came home coatless. I did pick up two more sweatshirts and two super cute sweaters for him though.
On a good note, the other day J handed me his fortune (chinese for dinner) The first side I looked at said "daughter" on the other side it said "hallelujah" There's the sign I had asked for. J only read hallelujah and thought it was a stupid "fortune!" But of course I saw the bigger picture!
Little J is no better at school. I am frustrated beyond words. But I can find good in all of this mess. He is right where he should be academically. He does his work and asks for more. He reads at level. So really he is doing quite well, except for the self control issue.
The idiots upstairs woke us up at 2:40 am to what sounded like bowling balls dropping on the floor. I actually got up and pounded on the ceiling. ( I have lived in apts for 7 years and never done that before) I would have gone up there but I was naked. And besides J and I have asked them to quiet down on more then one occasion. Up until now I have not made a formal complaint with the leasing office but I am tomorrow.
Ahh the life of apartment living.
Oh oh oh. We decided to go ahead and get a fake tree this year. Yeah me the queen of all things "traditional." I found a really nice one at Home Depot. I just have to get J to go take a look and actually pick it up. My trunk has too much stuff in it. J's of course is clean and empty, the luxury of not driving with little J.
I have also done most of my Christmas shopping. Little J is not getting toys from us. And no it's not because of his behavior. It's because I filled three bags for Goodwill and you'd never know it by looking at his toy bins. I didn't tell family they couldn't buy them though. And he might get something small from Santa. I am real tempted to buy a lump of coal and a switch...
We draw names now so I got Brother in law and J got mom. Both easy, gift cards! I did get the nephews gifts and am actually ready to ship them off. Just gotta get J something. TOUGH!