Monday, June 05, 2006

I don't think there is anything cuter

then when little kids sing.

I was watching CMT and little crawled into bed with me. I got up and all of a sudden he belted out the chorus to "Jesus Take the Wheel" I almost died. of course unless you were there you probably don't get just how cute it was.

Work is great. Work is easy. Isn't that awesome?

I got invited to a party tomorrow. Gotta love that. Someone actually likes me enough to go out of her way to invite me. ( she's from the branch I trained at )

Talk about a good Monday.

Yesterday was my chore day but I still have a few loads of laundry left. J did a load of dishes and a few loads of laundry. (WOW) He didn't fold or put away but at least he dried.

NOTHING going on. Talk about boring. Work Work Work. But at least I like it.

J went in to do inventory but we took a little nap before he left. I forgot how nice it is to fall asleep all tangled together. It's been a long time. Not that we don't snuggle or anything but we always de-tangle and creep to our "sides" of the bed.

Now it's back to bed for me. J is off so I have to take the little J to school. At least I don't have to be in until 8am.

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