Sunday, January 07, 2007

quite a scare

Last night we lost kitty. All the doors were shut so he could only be in the living room. We looked EVERYWHERE (all rooms) and could not find him. I got nervous and thought maybe he ran out the door while J was taking out the trash. I went outside and did my best to look for him, but it was dark, he's little and something bit my ankle.

We were all upset (surprising that J was too) but decided we'd just have to wait and see. Eventually the little jerk comes running out. He came out from under the table, the same one we moved and looked under. I couldn't figure it out until he went under again. He can get into the drawer from underneath and that's where he was all night.

We are a very happy family now that he's ok.


Samantha said...

kitties are very good at being sneaky!

CJ said...

My kitten did that once when I was little! It broke my heart until she crawled out! Glad it turned out well!