Saturday, January 13, 2007

Oh the pressure.......

It's been such a crazy week for me. I have been offered a promotion at work. It wasn't so much that I was asked but told this is what is going to happen. I didn't see much room to decline, as I don't want to get on anyone's bad side. I was asked to be discreet until we announce it to my current team on Tuesday. My last day. I think that's stupid, they should be able to know ahead of time, but that's how it works. I am sure this promotion will be a good thing, but I am nervous about the extra time I will have to spend at work. I have a family and I will not stay there al night like others do. If it becomes a conflict I will be stepping down. My mentor told me to give it six months before I decide if I think it was the right choice. It's not MUCH more money then I make right now, but A LOT more responsibility. And of course I'm nervous. I have never managed anyone and I am really going to have to watch my tone of voice. I have a lot of good qualities for this position, but I really never thought it would be offered because of my lack of patience. I guess people who don't work with me daily don't see that.

We have Karate this morning and then some errands to run. Little j had a 4 day weekend and I have 3. J was off yesterday so they went to the movies. I don't know what we'll do over the weekend but I'm gonna try to find something fun.


Anonymous said...

How scary but how cool at the same time! You must be good for them to promote you. WTG Bonnie!

Samantha said...

That is very exciting- and a bit scary too! Good luck! It seems like you've already put a lot of thought into this, and that will really help you!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry! I totally suck! I haven't commented in forever. Congrats on your new promotion, I hope that it works out and you enjoy it. I hope that Big J also likes his new promotion as well. Management can often times suck, but really, it has some great perks. I've been thinking about you lately, hope you're doing well otherwise, if you know what I mean.