Saturday, May 26, 2007


Very pleasant week. followed by the saturday from hell. had to work last minute due to scheduling mishap. realized someone else had door key. drove all the way to her house only to find out the other girl that was working had a key. But it would have been just my luck. Had I waited to find that out she wouldn't have had it and we would have opened late. Worked until 10:30. (I was just supervising) Supervisory partner came to do the last two hours. Drove all the way to Karate. It was closed for Memorial Day. Since we haven't been in almost two weeks I was unaware of this. Come all the way home, fall asleep. Phone rings, and rings, and rings somemore. WTF? So finally I roll over and check messages. Bonnie this is ...... Security. Please call us immediately. DUMMIES left the freaking door open. Drive all the way back to work. Have to enter building in a sort of scary situation. (never know who's lurking) Plus I had little J. I had to tell security he was waiting in the car so that if something did happen they could send someone out to get him. Ran in like a scaredy cat, locked door and armed the alarm properly and RAN back out. I don't like being there alone period. Always scary. Came home. called security to tell them I arrived home. (Yeah we HAVE to do that) and went back to sleep. Just woke up. Poor kid. I promise not to sleep all day tomorrow. Besides this weekend is the big pack up.

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