Sunday, October 01, 2006

What a week

J has been throwing temper tantrums at school. This isn't really a new issue, since he does it here at home, but it hadn't yet carried over to school. Now it has and in a big way. Everybody seems to think we give in to these tantrums at home. WE DON'T. I don't ever give him what he is crying for. Just to clear that up.....
We tried talking to him about it (but come on he's been doing it for 2 years, talking isn't working) So as it continues we have allowed only 15 minutes of tv. Then no tv altogether. Then NO toys. His room is completely bare (it's so nice and clean) No snacks. No treats. No happy meals. No nothing. As of last week none of that had worked. I am really hoping that this week will be a better week. As it stands I've already had two phone calls from his teacher and we have a conference scheduled in two weeks. GREAT........ One of my co-workers says we need to give him a good spanking. But I KNOW that doesn't work with J. It may work for other kids, but with J it only affects him for the moment. He will not remember the next time he throws a fit how badly the last spanking hurt. So I am at a loss.

I have no other news.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm one who does believe in spanking, but only within reason. However I have one child that it works great with and one who its a joke too. It just shows me that different kids require different punishments to be effective though. So only you guys know your child and what works best for him. I do totally know the feeling that people act like you aren't doing anything too. I get that about Emilie too. When actually, we've tried everything with her and nothing works! Finally what we had to resort to was spanking AND time out every time. That way she has the initial punishment and also time to think about what she did. This doesn't work very well, but its a whole lot more productive than anything else we've tried. Good luck getting it under control!