Thursday, April 03, 2008

We've had a busy month

I went to get my permanant crown placed. It didn't fit, the dentist didn't like it, after an hour of fiddling she decides it needs to be recast. After three attempts with the goopy mold crap I finally got out of the chair and collected Chris from the receptionist. In the middle of it all he woke up and would not settle down in his car seat and she was nice enough to play with him. I am sure she didn't mind. I went back today, with both kids in tow, and this one was fine. They did do a lot of fiddling but it worked out and didn't take as long.

The family came and visited last week. My sister made us go to every nature preserve imaginable. We had a good time but there was no relaxation. She doesn't really get it since she doesn't have kids but it's not easy with my two and my other sister's three. They get tired, fussy, whiny, hungry, bored, etc....... But we survived and had a great time.

Little J is on spring break this week. We haven't done much. I took him to Chuck E Cheese and we're headed to the pool in a few. Tomorrow he wants to go to the pond at the mall. We have one of the Simon Mall outdoor malls and it has a very lovely "center court" with a koi pond. James loves to watch the fish and search for turtles.

He goes back to school on monday and they have a fieldtrip to the zoo. It's also the last nine week grading period. Where did the year go? I can't believe first grade is almost over!

I'll be back in a few.

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