Sunday, January 13, 2008


Christina Aguilara may not be my cup of tea but I really respect the fact that she gave her son a "normal" not celebrity name. I am so tired of them naming their kids crazy shit.

In other news. I was trying to clean out my closet so that we could move the dresser in there. Our bedroom is now a disaster area. The closet is clean, the dresser is moved (J) and it looks great. But I had about 4 boxes of random crap. Although two of them are making their way to Goodwill I have the contents of the other two scattered around me. I have filled two trash bags and I still can't see the floor. Since I can't finish what I start I have since wandered into the laundry room. It looks great and all the crap is in the middle room. I then cleaned out the middle room closet and same thing CRAP everywhere. I need some of those HUGE lawn trash bags. We have some at work so I may stop by tomorrow.

I am not nervous yet. This seems to be on every ones mind. I will probably be nervous when I enter the hospital.I have a good feeling I won't go into labor before Wednesday and that left to it's own devices my uterus would not have cooperated this time around either. I think I made the right decision not trying for a vbac.

I will keep you posted :) If you are a frequent user of M y Sp ace send me an email. I have a very private account that is family and close friends only. That is where I will update first. As I have "known" most of you for years now I feel fine in allowing access to the small few :)

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