Saturday, October 20, 2007

This is not a good thing.

I am an ice eater. Always have been. I guess it's a sign of anemia, but my iron's OK . ANYWAY.... I went to get a soda from the Publix deli today. The ice was AWESOME. Unless you enjoy ice you can't possibly understand my explanation why so I won;t bother. But it's damn good ice. I got the big gulp size. I am glad I didn't find this little treasure sooner and I will try my best to forget. But I did just dump the rest of it on the floor, so somebody is looking out for me :)

James has pink eye. It's a first for us. I got home from work last night and noticed his eye was crusty. I asked him if he had just woken up, no. I asked him if anyone at school had "pink" eyes, YES. A kid at his table stayed the whole day. NO ONE at school noticed this child's eye. Thanks bunches.

It's in the early super contagious stage so there is a lot of eye de-gooping, hand washing, and Germ-X. We were supposed to go the farm today but decided not to be butt holes and pass it around. We were supposed to go with a friend to a Fall Festival tomorrow but it seems to be spreading to his other eye now. Although it's no bother to him I just can't take him out. I was going to take him to Urgi-care today but with my new insurance it costs 2x a Dr visit. I figured it wouldn't make much difference between now and Monday so I am going to take him to the Dr then. I want to be sure it's safe to send him to school. All the info I read said he should be fine after 3-5days. Monday will be day 3 so I am being cautious. He's completely bummed about missing out on everything and really doesn't understand why he can't go anywhere.

I am pretty big and uncomfortable these days. Darn short torso..... But everything is going well. The Dr visits are wonderfully short. When we had James we would be in the office all day just waiting to be seen. They were always way off schedule. This time around I am in there for all of thirty minutes and on my way. Next appt is my 2nd glucose test. FUN. I am almost to the twice a month visits. How time flies. I can't believe it's been seven months!!!!

Still no name. It will be Joshua or Michael I think.

1 comment:

Mrs Groovy said...

How are you doing? I just wanted to check in on you...