Saturday, June 09, 2007

Here it is.

1. not unpacked but totally loving it, except for the hot water we don't have in the master bath.

2. I had to clean ALL the toilets because there was pee on all THREE seats upon arrival, gross.

3. the cable company employees are dumb as dirt.

4. I think I am going to step down from my position within the next couple of months.

5. we're pregnant. just a little bit, but so far it's fine.


Mrs Groovy said...

1. So glad you love the new place. Hope the hot water starts coming through soon!

2. Gross!

3. Bummer but you've got internet now, yes?

4. Understandable.


Anonymous said...

Hope the hot water is fixed soon!!!

People who piss on the toilet seat should be made to eat off of it!!!

I think its a requirement to be dumb to work for any cable company!!!

More important things looming on the horizon!!!!

YEEEEEEEEEEEHAWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!! I am so very very very happy for you & J! Oh, and little J to lol. I hope it is a smooth, uneventful, enjoyable pregnancy!!

(could I use anymore exclamation marks in this comment? LMAO)

GypseeMommy said...


Ok, I can't even comment on the first 4 because I'm so freaking excited for you about number 5!

YAYYYYYY!! Congrats! I hope everything goes nice and smoothly for you. Keep us posted on how things are going :)