Wednesday, September 19, 2007


"Grand Opening Events

Air out your camping gear!

Customers can begin lining up at IKEA Orlando at 9:00 AM on Monday morning, November 12, 2007 – in advance of our November 14 opening. We are going to be doing something special for everyone on opening morning so you do not have to be the first, second, or third customer in line* in order to share in the fun. Keep checking for updates!

* There will be no specific prize given to just the first, second, or third customer in line. "

----If only I could take time off of work, I would. And it would be totally worth it!!!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

so what do you do when your precious six year old is throwing temper tantrums at school again. Well if your me you do a few things. First you burst into tears over the stress of doing it all over again. Second you question your ability as a parent. Third you feel like banging your head against a wall because you have no new solutions for the problem. I exhausted all possibilities last school year. This years teacher isn't as accepting and expects him to be able to control his temper. I don't blame her. I just wish someone could wave a magic wand over his head and make him perfect...... His teacher called me Friday afternoon. Of course I wasn't able to answer the phone as I was at work. I am going to send a note telling her to please call me at work to discuss the problem. Hopefully she will have some new suggestions. His kindergarten teacher sees him once a week to make sure he's staying on track.

James' answer is to be stern, loud and intimidating. All that does is upset the kid even more and then he gets all choked up which in turn makes James even more angry and it's just a mess. I agree that talking isn't helping but neither is yelling. I am sure that Little doesn't start the day saying "Gee if I get mad I am going to throw a fit" and I am sure that as he is throwing the fit he is not mature enough to calm himself down. Of course he realizes the mess he has gotten himself into once it's over.

I don't know what to do now anymore than I did last school year.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

And the winner is....

No girl....

Yes I was very sad. Yes I burst into tears in the doctors office. Yes I felt awful about it afterward.

I am making the adjustment. Not that there's anything wrong with having another boy. It's just dealing with knowing there will never be a little girl.......

This is what we have so far for first names:



His middle name will be Gregory, after my father and like the other four grandsons. Now it's just agreeing on something!!!