Sunday, July 15, 2007

My last appt was a LONG one. I met with the nurse, the dr and with the financial rep. Everyone was very nice. I started with the nurse who had me do an early glucose test because J was so huge. She was amazed at my ability to down the syrup, I was amazed that most people "sip" it. Gross. She asked all the standard questions and then went over hospital info with me. She asked if I wanted another c-section, I'm not sure. The dr was very nice and much better then the last one. Very upbeat and positive. She asked more questions and then did another ultrasound. Yeah they are ultrasound ahololics. They just use one of the small portables and I don't get billed for it. After all of that she sent me over to talk billing and be done when realized they hadn't done the labs. Thank goodness. I would not have wanted to sit around another afternoon for the glucose test to be done. I don't know how it slipped everyones mind that I needed my blood drawn. So I got that handled and was on my way. I have an appt next week to have a "real" ultrasound and then I get to start the regular monthly appts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad everyone is so nice. It makes for a pleasant appointment.